I have been working my way through the books I’ve picked up at the library this month and this has to be my favourite so far.

I’m not going to lie, reading is a bit of a target rather than a reality in my life and it has been for quite sometime. Luckily, O’Morain has written this book in such a way that I’ve been able to dip in and out of it,  in-between changing nappies and doing the laundry, over the last week or so.



The book is laid out clearly and logically which makes flicking to a part that captures your imagination, a breeze.

I especially like the easy-to-find exercises within each section:



If you’re looking for a no-nonsense, easy to follow guide on how to make being mindful a part of your life, this is a very good place to start.

Mindfulness Exercises

O’Morain uses straightforward language to give practical, and more importantly, useful mindfulness techniques in a clear, secular format with mass appeal.


This book is available to borrow from Libraries West.


Available to buy at all good book retailers:
